Jonathan's Space Pages

Satellite statistics: Satellite and Debris Population

Active Sats vs Time

Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Active satellites: 10326

Tracked Objects vs Time

Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Active Starlinks, orbit: 6357
Other active maneuverable payloads, orbit: 2251
Active non-maneuverable payloads, orbit: 1718
Total all active payloads, orbit: 10326
Dead Starlinks, orbit: 51
Other dead satellite payloads, orbit: 3094
Dead payloads, orbit, marginal cases: 20
Total all active and dead payloads, orbit: 13491
Rocket stages, orbit: 1998
Sat components, orbit: 1491
Cataloged debris, orbit: 12100
[PRC ASAT debris:] 1073
[Irid/Kos debris:] 8082
Total cataloged objects, orbit: 29080
Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Tonnage of active Starlinks in orbit: 2867.9
Tonnage of other active maneuverable payloads in orbit: 3901.7
Tonnage of active non-maneuverable payloads in orbit: 327.3
Tonnage of all active payloads in orbit: 7097.0
Tonnage of dead Starlinks in orbit: 13.5
Tonnage of other dead satellite payloads in orbit: 2200.4
Tonnage of dead payloads in orbit, marginal cases: 1.6
Tonnage of all active and dead payloads in orbit: 9312.4
Tonnage of rocket stages in orbit: 3756.9
Tonnage of sat components in orbit: 166.5
Total cataloged tonnage in orbit: 13235.8

Tracked Objects vs Time - Lower and Upper LEO - Number and Tonnage

Data Data
Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Active Starlinks, Lower LEO: 6357
Other active maneuverable payloads, Lower LEO: 1041
Active non-maneuverable payloads, Lower LEO: 1276
Total all active payloads, Lower LEO: 8674
Dead Starlinks, Lower LEO: 51
Other dead satellite payloads, Lower LEO: 262
Dead payloads, Lower LEO, marginal cases: 8
Total all active and dead payloads, Lower LEO: 8995
Rocket stages, Lower LEO: 130
Sat components, Lower LEO: 59
Cataloged debris, Lower LEO: 78
[PRC ASAT debris:] 4
[Irid/Kos debris:] 41
Total cataloged objects, Lower LEO: 9262
Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Tonnage of active Starlinks in Lower LEO: 2867.9
Tonnage of other active maneuverable payloads in Lower LEO: 655.4
Tonnage of active non-maneuverable payloads in Lower LEO: 132.1
Tonnage of all active payloads in Lower LEO: 3655.4
Tonnage of dead Starlinks in Lower LEO: 13.5
Tonnage of other dead satellite payloads in Lower LEO: 129.2
Tonnage of dead payloads in Lower LEO, marginal cases: 0.7
Tonnage of all active and dead payloads in Lower LEO: 3798.7
Tonnage of rocket stages in Lower LEO: 195.6
Tonnage of sat components in Lower LEO: 6.8
Total cataloged tonnage in Lower LEO: 4001.1
Data Data
Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Active Starlinks, Upper LEO: 0
Other active maneuverable payloads, Upper LEO: 401
Active non-maneuverable payloads, Upper LEO: 384
Total all active payloads, Upper LEO: 785
Dead Starlinks, Upper LEO: 0
Other dead satellite payloads, Upper LEO: 1731
Dead payloads, Upper LEO, marginal cases: 8
Total all active and dead payloads, Upper LEO: 2524
Rocket stages, Upper LEO: 834
Sat components, Upper LEO: 873
Cataloged debris, Upper LEO: 10039
[PRC ASAT debris:] 1065
[Irid/Kos debris:] 6083
Total cataloged objects, Upper LEO: 14270
Data as of 2024 Sep 25
Tonnage of active Starlinks in Upper LEO: 0.0
Tonnage of other active maneuverable payloads in Upper LEO: 422.2
Tonnage of active non-maneuverable payloads in Upper LEO: 141.9
Tonnage of all active payloads in Upper LEO: 564.0
Tonnage of dead Starlinks in Upper LEO: 0.0
Tonnage of other dead satellite payloads in Upper LEO: 853.3
Tonnage of dead payloads in Upper LEO, marginal cases: 0.4
Tonnage of all active and dead payloads in Upper LEO: 1417.8
Tonnage of rocket stages in Upper LEO: 1265.4
Tonnage of sat components in Upper LEO: 6.3
Total cataloged tonnage in Upper LEO: 2689.4